673 miles gives one a lot of time to think
9 hours of trying not to reason my way out of turning around will have any one's mind looking for a reprieve
top 10 things i learned while looking through my bug splattered windshield...
10) Nebraska might be the worst state in the country to drive through - 1000 miles spent driving across that state will drive anyone crazy
9) they just breed bugs bigger out there...and maybe a little dumber as many an insect met an untimely demise slamming into my car at 80+ miles an hour
8) being able to legally go over 75 miles an hour is about the only redeeming thing in that state
7) there is just nothing more beautiful than driving west into the sunset
6) holy hell there are a lot of cows out there
5) sometimes the best music is the mix cd's you made in college and have not listened to in years
4) there is not a stretch of more than 30 miles without construction - while it is nice to be able to flow at 75+...don't plan on using your cruise control
3) the drive becomes a lot harder when you know there is a flight that would have gotten you there already
2) some people just really love their hot dogs...i actually saw a grown man cry when the lady at the flying j told him his hot dog would not be ready for another 10 minutes (who knew it even took 10 minutes to cook one of those bad boys)
1) you were worth it...
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