Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sarcastic dinosaurs do exist

maybe one of the coolest things i have ever seen...baby t-rex (star of walking with dinosaurs:the live experience) is in dsm today.

aside from the obviously amazing creation - i can not even begin to describe to you the detail and thought that went into this thing - but the best part was the actor who was operating the dinosaur.

justin - who was inside controlling baby t - had us cracking up all morning as he brought baby t to life with funny comments, jokes, noises and animation - giving baby t a personality reminisicent of vince vaughn - i half expected him to start quoting lines from old school or wedding crashers

my favorite line from this morning (and please keep in mind i have been up since 4:30) was after kcci finished the live shot and told baby t he was done for a little while - he said - through the sound system in the suit - "i'll be in my trailer"

maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the entire situation, maybe it was just really funny...who knows - but i laughed!!


Zach and Jill said...

Is this guy cute? I love VINCE VAUGHN! Ha-ha!

Crash said...

a little odd...but cute in a quirky way...and lots of tattoos...so we both know how that goes.